Hi, I'm Suzanne!
It's my honor and privilege to design and create vintage-inspired handmade jewelry to share with individuals like you who are reflective of themselves, passionate about life, authentic in their personal expression and who wish to present themselves in unique and artful ways.

A Silk Purse jewelry is created with the intention and purpose to make you feel extraordinary.
Every design provides a unique experience of the true depth and beauty that comes from classic vintage, repurposed and recycled materials that are artistically arranged and assembled as one-of-a-kind jewelry that will capture your heart and illuminate your style.
It's artisan jewelry inspired by timeless fashion and tradition. It's an ode to fashion jewelry history and innovation. It's an expression and celebration of what will always remain at the heart of our human nature; the desire to wear and share beautiful adornment that provides us with significance and sentiment.
I have been collecting, repurposing, refinishing, creating and recreating for over 40 years. I love all things vintage; especially the satisfaction that comes from creating new, beautiful and unique jewelry designs from items with a history, a story, a gentle glow of age.
I imagine playing role in a storied journey of elements that started somewhere between here and there that continues to evolve through time and space with no limit to how far it will go or how long it will last.
I am a self-taught jewelry artist with an eye, a vision, an idea, a design, a finished piece. I love to re-use, recycle and repurpose vintage elements in artful arrangements as finished one-of-a-kind jewelry with purpose and meaning.
I see beauty, inspiration and potential in uncommon places and in unusual things. I believe in limitless possibilities and an evolving creative process.

“A Reflection of the Past,
A Statement in the Present,
An Heirloom for the Future”
In the 1990's I spent a few years in joint venture with my mom and sister owning and operating a resale consignment shop specializing in antiques and collectibles that we fondly named A Silk Purse. (The photo above depicts the shop's hand-painted sign which now hangs in my backyard garden.)
My jewelry is appropriately named in memory of A Silk Purse (the shop) and in the spirit of ingenuity and folklore as a whimsical true story that tells this tale of creating beauty from the most uncommon items:
"You can’t make a silk purse from a sow's ear" is an old proverb originally dating back to the mid-1500’s that was proven untrue when, in 1921, Massachusetts industrialist Arthur D. Little decided to do just that. He was successful in making silk threads from the skin and gristle of sows ears. He wove the thread into cloth on a handloom and fashioned it into an elegant purse, the kind carried by ladies of the Middle Ages.
It's my desire to stir your senses and provide heartfelt sentiment and personal connection with every unique jewelry composition you purchase for yourself or gift to someone special.
Every time you visit it is my hope that you find something new to behold you, something unique to intrigue you, and something meaningful to reflect on.
With timeless jewelry that's always in fashion-
Warm regards,