"Create and be happy!" Gabrielle Bernstein
These words are fuel for my soul. They make a simple, yet profound statement.
We can choose to find happiness in what we create and we can choose to create with the intention to find happiness.
We all have the ability to be creative in some way if we just open ourselves to the idea of it. For me it comes naturally, but not always easily. It’s not uncommon to get distracted for one reason or another; life happens. However, if I re-focus my intention, look for inspiration, maybe try a new technique or two, inevitably creativity returns and I am moved into action once again.
Being creative isn’t just about tangible things. I believe it's about doing whatever it is that you are passionate about. It can literally be anything that you consistently challenge yourself to do, to be better at and . . . to love, love, love doing it!
Creativity keeps us charged intellectually, physically and spiritually.
Creativity keeps us interested in living full and engaging lives. It keeps us in touch with our thoughts and emotions. It sparks imagination, enthusiasm and joy. It's a life force for our spirituality.
Creativity can be therapeutic, nurturing and cathartic. It can give us refuge, consolation and inner strength.
Your creativity is like your DNA; it’s uniquely yours. It’s true expression of who you are. It represents you with authenticity that’s genuine and pure. It opens your heart and mind.
If you have already found your creativity, you know exactly what I’m talking about.
If you are still looking for yours, it’s there as treasure lying just beneath your surface waiting for you to explore and discover it.
Creativity can be key to the beginning of personal freedom and a gateway to newfound happiness.
Be yourself! Embrace your unique creativity, embody it, proclaim it, live it and most importantly, share it!
In the meantime, you must come see What’s New. A bunch of new earrings have just been added!
With timeless jewelry that’s always in fashion -
Warm regards,