As Mother’s Day approaches this year, we know that it will be different for most of us.
It’s another precious holiday this year that most families must spend physically separated from loved ones.
I too, am among the many mothers who will not be with their children (and/or grandchildren) this year, because of the quarantine orders that are currently in effect in the U.S. & across the world.
My mother has long passed but I will remember her fondly & look to her memory for grace & guidance as I continue navigate my isolation & the absence of my family, especially my son. I am blessed though, as everyone is safe & well. This is my Mother’s Day gift.
As a a personal reminder to myself & a message to anyone who cares to listen . . .
Life is fragile & fleeting; it can change in the blink of an eye; the simple things in life are so precious; everyday is a gift!
I will try to look to gratitude for comfort, humanity for hope & strength, spiritual guidance & faith to carry on. I will try my best to be my best during this crisis & hopefully well beyond it.
Be kind to yourself; seek help if you need it; lend a hand in whatever way you can, if you can, during this exceptional time.
Best Wishes for a very Happy Mother’s Day wherever you are & whoever you are with. I hope it’s the best it can be this year for you & yours.
With timeless jewelry that’s always in fashion -
Warm regards,